Quiet Singing Routine

Here’s a quiet singing routine for those of you who are having trouble practicing because of limitations in your environment – thin walls, family members on Zoom meetings, babies napping. It’s not easy to get the stars to align to create your perfect practice opportunity! While you wait for everything to magically fall into place, give this warm-up routine a try.

How to do it:

You’ll need a straw and a glass of water (if none is available, a martini will suffice – we’re just blowing bubbles!).

Start by aligning your posture, then do the Sponge Breath exercise, feeling the breath move inward and down on inhalation and up and outward on exhalation. Then keep cycling the breath, but each time you exhale, lift the glass to your mouth and exhale through the straw into the water. Be careful that the resistance the water provides doesn’t trick you into creating extra resistance in the neck.

Move to downward five note scales on HNG (if humming feels like rubbing two dry sticks together in your throat, check out this hum exercise to get air flowing).

Now pick your straw back up and put it in the mouth. You’re going to sing 9 note scales (Do to high Re and back down) through the straw. The straw will act as a mute to limit the amount of noise, while still providing a great support/breath workout.

And that’s it! Thanks for practicing.

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