Sponge Breath

Here’s my favorite way of introducing low breath for singers who are just getting started and find it hard to get out of high, clavicular breathing. There are a million variations on this exercise, but for today, let’s start with the basics. Enjoy! To do the sponge breath, start out by imagining that inside your […]

4 Note Hum

Humming is wonderful. It’s the original SOVT (Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract) exercise, healing and gentle for the voice, naturally placed in the optimum position high and forward in the face. Does this sound familiar, or is humming more of a squeezy, tight feeling, like two dry sticks rubbing together in your throat? Here’s a quick video […]

Nobble Lift

Today’s exercise is an absolute staple of my own practice, and something that I teach daily: the Nobble Lift. For my money, the best posture is the one that makes the muscles of the body available for singing, motion, and expression – relaxed alertness, NOT tin soldier. This simple exercise elongates the back of the […]